Tap into Grace
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Carolyn Johnson

“Being an empowered person means being in connection to your divine nature. I help people get in connection with that part of themselves. Through intuitive mind-body sessions, natural remedies, intuitive development training, or other empowerment for self-healing strategies, my clients are transformed as they connect to their divine blueprint.”
Client Testimonials
Amy Rootvik
The Rootvik Agency
Richland, WA
"Carolyn has a gift! Her energy is priceless. She has helped me with deep transformational shifts and shared tools perfectly aligned to help me achieve my goals. I am so glad for our work together."
“Thank GOD for YOU! I feel 1000% better. Whew! That was a doozy. Glad it is in the rearview mirror. 👍🏼😊❤️🙏🏻”
Mom of 8yr old J, who has autism,
after one BodyTalk session
"Whatever you did has been working. He has been different these past few days and that attitude of him seeming to be purposefully defiant in most of his actions with me has mostly disappeared. Such a huge, huge beautiful blessing. Having faith and Hoping it will Continue. His awesome personality has been able to shine through and not be so bogged down with whatever negative energy it was... It has seriously been such a great past few days!
He has actually snuggled with me at night!! Total miracle and it feels so amazing! Thank you so much- you are such a blessing."
Drea & Chris, WA
After a couple’s session
“Chris and I are literally transformed…….I feel like I’m on a really good frequency and I know Chris is as well. I wanted to thank you. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts and for all you do. You are such a precious human, and you help so many people. I wanted to let you know that I appreciate you so much.”
Tiffany D.
Tri-Cities, WA
Recovery from Sensory Sensitivity
and lack of eye contact
“After getting my sensitive five year old his shots, he became increasingly upset and just kept crying and screaming. I couldn’t touch him, I couldn’t bathe him. This went on for just over 24 hours before I called Carolyn. We did a short BodyTalk session over the phone. He instantly calmed down and then fell asleep on the couch where we were sitting. We did a follow up session a few weeks later and since then he has not had as many sensory issues, I don’t notice him complaining about water temperature or people touching him anymore. And he looks people in the eye for the FIRST TIME IN HIS LIFE. This was an amazing life changing experience for all of us, and I’m so grateful for BodyTalk!”
Dena Ramirez
Honoka'a, HI
"I really value the healing insights that Carolyn has. She is a gift in our community- with her unique transformation modalities."
Mother of child on Autism spectrum
“Thank you sister,
T has been getting rave reviews at school btw. And I was away for 3 nights at a retreat, and he did really well at his dad’s.
They were complimenting him on being “reasonable and responsible” 🥹
Carolyn Johnson

I’m a spiritual seeker at heart.My own spiritual journey is my biggest motivator behind everything, seeing as I experience God through this work and through all of life. It is truly Divine to be here and to see the Divine expressed through those I work with! I have found that as we clear our bodies and minds of the old programs and toxins, we see that reflection of God so much more. It's a journey worth taking!
I’m a teacher at heart. Beginning in 2002, as a certified Elementary school teacher, I was fascinated by children’s learning styles, psychology, all the educational models. I still find joy in facilitating learning experiences. I brought my teaching into the adult realm in 2012 when I began teaching natural health and wellness classes and promoting doTERRA essential oils. More teaching is on the horizon for me now that I have compiled intuitive development trainings for parents and caregivers who work with the New Earth Kids.
I’m a mom at heart. When I became a mother in 2005, my world stopped. My heart suddenly grew to hold love like I could not fathom. And then I came to understand I’d need that love to survive the challenges coming next. My first daughter was diagnosed high functioning autistic and the second daughter had failure to thrive and seizures as a result of complications with vaccines. Something in me, began to speak loudly through that large heart space, and I was guided into all kinds of natural solutions that worked. I still continue to research and find solutions to share with families who are surfing the wave of body-mind health challenges. Empowering families to heal themselves is one of my core values in my sessions.
I’m a traveler at heart. Whether its across country or across dimensions of time and space, I like constant movement. I love remote sessions with my clients around the world as I feel I’ve got my traveling in for the day after our appointment. I often feel that I’m a tour guide for the souls who work with me, helping them navigate the journey they are on and lead them to higher destinations. You can find me in Hawai'i often, as it's my home, but half the year I travel to other areas since I can’t stay put long.
I’m a healer at heart. As soon as I realized the healing power of Love, I’ve been in service to it. It started at age 15 with a service project in Mexico, then age 18 with service in South America, an orphanage in Baja California, then 10 years of service in a non-profit organization with my volunteer work based in Bolivia and the US. My service moved onto a focus on mind-body medicine and natural health care as a labor of love for children with special needs. Since 2012, I’ve been diving into the body-mind through intuitive healing sessions and watching the results unfold.
I don’t waste time on anything that’s not quality healing products or techniques. If I’m sharing it, I’m using it and loving it for my family. If it doesn’t exist, I’m dreaming it into being. I’m in this for the VIP Pass to the Angel Lounge. It’s good company.
You’ll notice I’m funny. You’ll notice I’m fierce. You’ll notice I’m an “interstellar badass,” as my daughter wrote on my Mother’s Day card she made at church. And you’ll notice I’m real, a real person with real gifts and real weaknesses. You are also in good company, my friend.
Thanks for checking out my website!