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New Life Alignment Support

ALOHA friends and clients,

Ever since I became a BodyTalk practitioner, I've had the question in my mind, "How can I live in alignment, so that I don't need so many sessions for myself from practitioners and how can my clients achieve more long term health and happiness?" I was getting a session every week at that time. The downside was that I would find myself without the basic tools to clear myself or maintain my energetic health as an empathic person. In some ways, we will always benefit from the support of an outside view and the healing witness of an intuitive practitioner. And in other ways, we really must develop new ways of staying in alignment to maintain our own health and trajectory in life.

Through mentorships and courses I've taken and after thinking about this for years, I've now decided to start making new offerings for my clients. The first new offering is a self-paced course that can help you with core life issues. I've co-created this with Jessica Miklas, a BodyTalk practitioner in Washington State. The focus of this course is to deliver 8 modules on the core topics of living in alignment. You can click the link below for a preview of this fantastic course filled with tools and activations. We give you 8 modules, 22 tools for self healing, and 4 full powerful sessions in this course. The course costs $333 and is well worth it.

Here's the link!

The second solution I've come up with is regular group recorded sessions. Over the last few years I've been recording group sessions attuned to my clients' needs. These have been posted on a convenient member website. They are available to you any time you need and are sent to your email as well. Sign up for a membership with sessions, trainings, and more at my Patreon site. These range from $5-$25 a month. These sessions will be sent a few times a month so you can receive them at your convenience without having to book a personal session. Sessions from the past may help you with current needs as well, so check out the library of over 150 session topics.

Here it is!

As always, If you find that you need a session for a specific challenge, please contact me at 808-333-6664 and we will set that up. I'm sooooo blessed to be able to learn, grow, and expand with you during this time.

Much love and bliss to you,



 RealTalk |BodyTalk Testimonial 

"Moments of joy returning to families!! Here's a testimonial from Session #2 for J., age 8, dealing with Autism. I did a distance Bodytalk session one night after he went to bed. I shared results from first session last week. Here's what happened this time: "This is so cool. So last night before you called, J. had a super bad night and ended up going to bed crying and mad because he wouldn't do his homework that was taking 2 hours to do like 8 problems. It was discouraging and my parents were exhausted and sad watching the whole ordeal. BUT... I woke up at 3am to find J. standing by my bedside and he said "mommy" and gave me a big hug.... Amazing right??? It was like an out of body experience! Then he laid down by me and snuggled his head towards me and let me rub his back which never happens- then he looked at me with the most genuine deep smile that came straight from his soul and laughed and his body kind of got the shivers when he layed back down and he giggled again. I haven't seen him smile like that for a long time - it's like his old self was shining through. It made me think of how you said his cells were doing the happy dance and thought maybe he just couldn't contain himself.... it was seriously so amazing and beautiful! I also remembered asking him at 3am something about what he was doing up and he said something about doing homework which I ignored and just snuggled him but when I woke up I found his homework COMPLETED on the counter! Seriously so amazing.... Thank you for being so in tune to help heal my family- I keep thinking it's going to be baby steps but instead they are giant leaps!!! Hugs!"

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